Monday, November 30, 2009

Climate Wisdom

Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few argues The Wisdom of the Crowds. If this is the case and, to the extent twitter is representative of the Australian population, Joe Hockey should pay attention to the twitter results on his climate change question. He twittered hey team re The ETS. Give me your views please... on Friday.

A random sample of responses to his climate change question finds:
  • 51.6% say support the ETS and/or don't sell out on your previous support for these laws
  • 43.2% say no ETS and/or delay it, it's just a tax
  • 2.1% say become the leader, presumably implicitly saying no to the ETS as well
  • 3.2% say twitter discussion about this is silly
Details of this sample are here.

Joe Hockey asked this question as the opposition liberal party is pushing him to become leader. This change will overturn his previous position - and the party's decision last week - to take action on climate change by passing the Australian emissions trading legislation (ETS).

And the current leaders views? “This is not a game . . . We're talking about the future of our planet. We're talking about whether we, the Liberal Party, will want to be a credible, progressive political movement of the 21st century” 27/11/09 Malcolm Turnbull quoted in The Age.


  1. Sample is from 3 random selections of 50 responses to @joehockey (sampled 9.40am CST 30/11-09).

    Sample query was

    At the time of the query there were 30 pages of results to this query and Page XX were pages 5, 8 and 21 (created using an excel random number function).

    Results were categorised as:

    No twitter
    Don't sell out climate change / pro ETS
    No ets / delay / no tax / economic destruction
    Become leader

    there were 55 unclassifiable results using these above categories. Unclassifiable results are not counted in the quoted percentages.
