Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Green Living Revolution

A revolutionary example of progressive and sustainable development, says the Murray Valley Standard, is on its way for Murray Bridge in South Australia. It’s a fully commercial residential site setting new world-class and affordable standards. These include the:

  • Reuse of all water (including stormwater, grey and black water).
  • A cut to the Carbon Footprint associated with home use by 85%.
  • Cutting potable water use by a factor of 10.
  • Highly energy efficient households.
  • Initiatives that deliver a significant cut to the Ecological Footprint associated with the homes and living in them. 
  • Fitting all 320 houses with 1 kW of Solar PV each.

At this site GreenMode is helping SAID Property Developments deliver a unique package. Many of the initiatives are likely to cost less, or no more, than those that would have a much greater environmental impact at a similar but conventional residential site. The initiatives are detailed here and the work shows how we can simultaneously get excellent results for the environment and economy.


  1. Congratulations greenmode this project is making a real advance and ticks a great many boxes, even the linear wetlands sound very interesting, (nothing beats growing up with the sound of happy frogs at night) - all the best with a genuine winner.

  2. Recent media about Murraylands Life

    Green Light for Life

    Developer Welcomes Go-ahead

    Development will Set Standard
